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Episode 150

Season 9, Episode 150

Special Update!

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Special news about the future of The Secure Developer!


[0:00:06] GUY PODJARNY: Hello, everyone. Thanks for tuning back in. This is actually a short episode with a special announcement. As you may know, I'm Guy Podjarny, and I've been hosting the Secure Developer podcast for quite a while. In fact, it's been eight years since I started the Secure Developer, which is a little mind-blowing. It's been a ton, a ton of fun, and I had the pleasure and the honor of talking to all sorts of massively interesting people and asking them the questions that I think are interesting and that I think people would want to learn from, and they shared, and I think a lot of knowledge and a lot of experience has been shared and will continue to be on this podcast.

There's been a lot of goodness coming in, but we also have all sorts of ideas about things that we can do differently with the podcast. New ideas, new perspectives, new people, new voices. We now have this great opportunity to do that, because we had a great person join our team that could be just the right person to take the podcast to its sort of next evolution and next step on its journey, and that's Danny Allan, our Snyk CTO.

He joined us as CTO a little while ago, and you've recently heard him on the podcast. I would like to make this official handoff now and hand the reins of the Secure Developer Podcast to Danny Allan, and you might still hear from me from time to time as some noisy opinion maker on this episode or the other, but you'll have Danny leading the way. Danny, do you want to say a few words?

[0:01:30] DANNY ALLAN: Yeah. Well, thank you, Guys. I’ve been listening listened to the Secure Developer now for eight years, I'm a bit humbled and scared to take over the role. I have some pretty significantly large shoes to fill, but I'm super excited to be part of the Secure Developer journey, and I do intend to fulfill that promise of bringing you back on. Your opinions and insights, and the conversation that you have sparked over the last eight years is hopefully going to continue.

We do have an amazing number of guests lined up to come. I’m excited to deep dive on some of the topics of the ever-changing security landscape in front of us, but I want to bring you back, too, because I do think that there is a huge amount of value in continuing the conversation within the community. So, super excited to be here, look forward to the future, and appreciate your willingness to hand over the reins.

[0:02:20] GUY PODJARNY: Sounds good. Well, thanks, everybody, and maybe for the last time for me, I hope you join us for the next one.