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Snyk + StackHawk

Developer security that's better together

Correlate dynamic and static security testing to prioritize and fix application and API security issues.

Snyk & StackHawk

Combine the power of Snyk's static application security testing (SAST) with StackHawk's dynamic application security testing (DAST).

Risk reduction

Automate Snyk and StackHawk static and dynamic scanning in CI/CD so devs can find and efficiently fix vulnerabilities fast.

Developer adoption

Snyk and StackHawk  integrate directly into existing dev tools and workflows (IDE, Git, CI/CD) and don’t require a security background to operate.

Scale and governance

Snyk and StackHawk provide reporting, policy setting, and contextual prioritization that AppSec and Ops teams need.

"Using the new StackHawk and Snyk integration gives our developers the whole picture of what application security issues exist, which issues are most important to fix, and how they can quickly remediate them."

AngelEye Health

Jay Maples

Director of IT Operations, AngelEye Health

Security from code through runtime

Get the best of both worlds by building security into the first line of code and keeping it going through runtime.

Prioritize findings

DAST and SAST testing works together to identify the high-priority, exploitable security issues in your code.

Accelerate fixes

Quickly identify where the issue exists in your codebase, down to a single line of code.

Drive efficiency

Eliminate context switching across tools and give your team a comprehensive understanding of application security issues with a single look.