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Buyers guide

Future-proof your development: The SAST/SCA buyer’s guide for the AI era




表示中 181 - 192 / 262 リソース

DevSecOps Technology

DevSecOps Technology

Technologies are what enable your people to properly execute DevSecOps processes. When most people think of DevSecOps and CI/CD, tooling is often top of mind. The ability to integrate and automate various development, security, and operations processes lies at the heart of a successful DevSecOps implementation. The following is a collection of technologies organizations must consider as they seek to implement a successful DevSecOps methodology within the enterprise.

The DevSecOps Process

The DevSecOps Process

Learn more about DevSecOps processes and various practices that need to be integrated into the DevSecOps environment and strategic points along the pipeline.


DevSecOps Culture

Online media and marketing are filled with terms like DevSecOps methodology, DevSecOps model, or DevSecOps techniques. However, in order to be successful, organizations must understand that DevSecOps is first and foremost a culture. DevSecOps culture focuses on uniting the normally siloed roles of Development, Security, and Operations into a collaborative shared-responsibility paradigm. It seeks to break down barriers of finger pointing and deflection. Instead, it aims to build empathy and common goals among various disciplines within the organization.

DevSecOps の概要

DevSecOps の概要

DevSecOps とは、セキュリティの手法を DevOps ソフトウェアデリバリーモデルに統合することをいいます。その基盤は、プロセスとツールを通じて、開発者と運用者が安全なソフトウェアを提供する責任を共有する文化です。



ソフトウェアサプライチェーンのセキュリティについてさらに詳しく説明します。組織にとっての重要性や、Snyk を使った安全保護についても解説します。

Software Supply Chain Attacks

Software Supply Chain Attacks

Attackers leverage third-party resources to perform software supply chain attacks. Learn how what these attacks look like and how to prevent them.

The Importance of Deputy CISO's in Security Teams

The Importance of Deputy CISO's in Security Teams

Having a backup to the CISO is an important part of a cybersecurity program. It ensures that critical functions are still being performed if the CISO is unavailable.

What is Ethical Hacking?

What is Ethical Hacking?

As technology continues to play an increasingly important role in our lives, ethical hacking is becoming an essential part of any organization's cybersecurity strategy, learn what it is and how to use it to your advantage.

Ethical Hacking: Skills & Training

Ethical Hacking: Skills & Training

Both technical and non-technical skills are required for ethical hacking, find out what you need to learn, and where to learn it!

Ethical Hacking: Certifications

Ethical Hacking: Certifications

Ethical hacking certifications are a key part of learning. Find out which certifications are popular and how to prepare for ethical hacking exams.

Ethical Hacking: Reporting Your Findings

Ethical Hacking: Reporting Your Findings

Ethical hackers need to share the information they discover through detailed reports. Learn about the different report types, and how to construct them.

Ethical Hacking: Vulnerability Disclosure Program (VDP) Vs Bug Bounty (BB)

Ethical Hacking: Vulnerability Disclosure Program (VDP) Vs Bug Bounty (BB)

How does a bug bounty (BB) program compare to other vulnerability disclosure programs (VDP)? Learn how enterprises are using VDPs to help secure their applications.