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Snyk Supplier Code of Conduct


At Snyk, we are committed to acting ethically and responsibly as we strive toward our vision of a more secure digital world. As a company, we are centered around our mission to empower businesses to develop fast while staying secure. 

The success of our business is dependent on the trust we earn by making thoughtful and ethical decisions in all that we do. Toward that goal, we only choose suppliers that conduct business in a manner that shares and demonstrates our commitment to conduct business in an ethical and honest manner. Our Supplier Code of Conduct (“Supplier Code”) sets out expectations for those we work with in the areas of business integrity, labor practices, anti-corruption, health and safety, and environmental impact. 

Snyk is committed to protecting human rights and strives to develop environmentally and socially sustainable chains of responsibility within our sphere of influence. All suppliers, vendors, contractors, consultants, and providers of goods and services to Snyk (their employees, representatives and subcontractors) (“Suppliers”) are expected to follow this Supplier Code as a condition of doing business with us.

If you suspect illegal or unethical practices, it is your responsibility to report it to Snyk and local authorities.

Responsibilities and Compliance

Snyk requires Suppliers to follow all relevant national and local laws and regulations. Suppliers must have a procedure for timely correction of any deficiencies identified by their own internal or external audit, investigation or review. Supplier must comply with industry standards related to the Supplier’s products and services. Suppliers will also be responsible for monitoring compliance within their supply chains. Non-compliance may be grounds for Snyk to terminate contractual obligations with a Supplier without penalty. 

Suppliers are to inform the appropriate Snyk personnel of any significant breaches of the Supplier Code or any allegations or investigation of non-compliance by authorities. Snyk may audit compliance with this Supplier Code or appoint a third party to conduct an audit. Any violations will be reported to the Supplier’s management for their attention and, if appropriate, corrective action. Snyk may terminate its relationship with any Supplier found to have violated these standards or, upon discovery of noncompliance, does not commit to a specific plan to achieve compliance. In addition, violations may be reported to the law enforcement authorities when appropriate.

Snyk reserves the right to amend or modify this Supplier Code. 

Raising Concerns and Speaking Up

We are committed to conducting business with honesty and integrity. We require our Suppliers to maintain these same high standards. Any suspected wrongdoing should be reported as soon as possible to the appropriate Snyk personnel or to our AllVoices speak up line via web report or via phone at 1-888-625-5196.


General Rights of Workers

We are committed to and respect fundamental human rights. This includes the expectation that suppliers will ensure their employees are treated fairly and with dignity and respect.

Health and Safety

Suppliers must provide a healthy and safe environment that complies with local laws. Suppliers must take proactive steps to prevent workplace hazards. Suppliers need to have policies, practices and controls in place that identify hazards and assess and control risk related to their specific industry. Suppliers shall maintain clean, safe and reasonable working conditions, along with a healthy work environment for all their employees. This includes access to drinkable water, sanitary facilities, fire safety, emergency preparedness and response, industrial hygiene, and adequate lighting and ventilation.

Diversity, Respect and Anti-Discrimination

We respect individual and cultural differences and will not tolerate discrimination. We are also intentional about prioritizing equality of opportunity and expect our Suppliers to share in that commitment. Suppliers shall make all decisions, (including hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, benefits, transfers, training, termination, and/or retirement) without regard to race, color, ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, mental or physical disability, political affiliation, union membership, marital status or any other status protected by law.

Humane Treatment

Snyk requires Suppliers to ensure there is no disrespectful, inhumane treatment or threat to workers. This can include any sexual harassment, sexual abuse, bullying, mental or physical coercion or corporal punishment. Suppliers are also expected to maintain a work environment where business is conducted with dignity and respect.

Fair Compensation and Working Hours

At Snyk, we care deeply. As a result, we seek to work with Suppliers that create a caring environment where all can thrive. Snyk requires Suppliers to comply with all local laws and industry standards regarding payment, working hours, overtime, rest days, public holidays and legally mandated benefits. Suppliers shall not permit deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure. Suppliers must provide living wages to employees. Workers shall not be required to work more hours than are legally allowed. Suppliers will prohibit employee required recruitment fees and the retention of employee travel documents and passports. 

No Forced Labor or Human Trafficking

We condemn forced labor and human trafficking. Snyk will not work with Suppliers that do not share this fundamental belief. Suppliers must adhere to all applicable anti-modern slavery and human trafficking laws. Suppliers shall not use forced, bonded, indentured, or involuntary prison labor or employ any person against their will. Workers must be free to terminate their employment with reasonable notice without penalty. Suppliers cannot require employees to relinquish work permits, government issued identification or passports. 

No Underage Labor

We do not tolerate the use of underage labor and will not work with Suppliers that unlawfully utilize underage workers. Suppliers shall adhere to the minimum age requirements of local laws and regulations. Suppliers may only employ workers who are younger than 18 years of age, if they are legally employed by local law of the country in which they are employed or if the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child allows, whichever provides more protection. Suppliers must monitor all employees under the age of 18 to ensure they are performing in age-appropriate working conditions and tasks. Suppliers must ensure that all employees under the age of 18 are protected from any type of labor likely to jeopardize their safety or health.

Freedom of Association

Suppliers must respect and encourage workers to communicate openly with management regarding working conditions without fear of reprisal or harassment. We only work with Suppliers who respect employees’ rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining in accordance with local law. 

Community and Environmental Impact


We support the revolutionary power of technology to improve people’s lives. At Snyk, we strive to promote the communities in which we do business. We encourage our Suppliers to demonstrate a commitment to positively engage with their local communities to contribute to economic growth and opportunities for social change. 


We care deeply for the health of our planet and are committed to identifying, measuring, and minimizing Snyk’s environmental impact. Snyk partners with Suppliers that share in the commitment to reduce their overall environmental impact. Suppliers must commit to reducing energy and waste consumption by implementing policies which favor sustainable and locally produced goods and services in preference to imported products whenever reasonably practicable. 

We also expect our Suppliers to follow all applicable laws, regulations and standards including requirements for chemical and waste management and disposal, recycling, industrial wastewater treatment, air emissions controls and permits and reporting. Suppliers must obtain all required environmental permits and registrations, following the operational and reporting requirements of each permit. 

Business Practices

Integrity and Ethical Conduct

Snyk requires Suppliers to conduct business with integrity and high ethical standards, and in compliance with the law. Suppliers must not engage in any unlawful activity in conducting business for Snyk, nor direct others to do so.  

Record Keeping

We expect our Suppliers to maintain accurate and honest accounting and business records that comply with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements. Suppliers must keep financial records in accordance with all applicable accounting practices. Suppliers will provide complete business records on all matters relating to its business with Snyk upon request. 

Data Information and Privacy

Suppliers will comply with all applicable privacy and data protection laws. Suppliers must carefully follow the law and contractual protections agreed upon when processing the personal data of Snyk’s employees, contractors and customers. 

Confidential Information and Intellectual Property

Suppliers may not disclose Snyk’s confidential information, intellectual property or any other non-public information that it obtains access to as a result of its work with Snyk. Suppliers must take reasonable steps when handling, discussing or transmitting information. 

Honest and Accurate Dealings

We protect our reputation by being responsible in our communications and actions. Suppliers must communicate about our products in a transparent and honest manner. Suppliers must never make any false representations in connection with any Snyk transaction including, but not limited to, oral misrepresentations of fact or the promotion or utilization of false documentation such as non-genuine customer purchase orders, fraudulent or forged contracts, forged letters of destruction or any other false or inaccurate records.

Fair Competition

We compete on the value of our industry-leading cybersecurity intelligence and never through unethical means. We expect Suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding antitrust and fair competition. 

Supplier will not enter into an understanding or agreement, with any competitor concerning costs, prices, discounts or other terms or conditions of sale, profits or profit margins, allocation of product, customers, markets, or territories, limitations on production or supply, boycotts of customers or suppliers, or bids or the intent to bid. 

Prohibition of Bribery and Corruption

We grow our business based on the quality of our technology and community and never bribe anyone to win or retain business. Suppliers must never offer, promise or give anything of value to gain an improper business or personal advantage. Suppliers must comply with our policy on anti-bribery and anti-corruption and all applicable laws and regulations. 

Conflicts of Interest

We make business decisions based on their merits and put Snyk and customer interests before our own personal gain. Suppliers must similarly avoid conflicts of interest and situations that have the appearance of a conflict of interest. Suppliers must also disclose to Snyk any relationship or transaction that could give rise to an apparent or actual conflict of interest regarding its relationship with Snyk. 

International Trade and Export Controls

Snyk complies with all international trade laws and regulations, including trade sanctions, and we expect Suppliers to do the same. Supplier is required to declare any significant business interests in Iran, North Korea, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela or any other countries under sanction by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC); or business with any individuals on the Specially Designated Nationals And Blocked Persons list.  

Technological Ethics

We believe in the benefits of sharing knowledge and utilizing technologies and open-source code ethically. We look to our strong ethical values to guide us in using technology that benefits our customers, business, and people. We expect the same from our Suppliers.


If you have any questions about our Supplier Code of Conduct, please direct them to our Procurement Team via email at

Release date: 2nd July 2021
Last reviewed: 25th January 2024
Version 2.0