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Snyk Website Terms of Use

1. About these terms

1.1 These terms and conditions of use (Terms) explain how you may use the Snyk website and any of its content (Snyk Website). These Terms apply between Snyk Ltd and its affiliates (we, us or our) and you, the person accessing or using the Snyk Website and your employer or principal on behalf of which you use the Snyk Website (you or your). If an individual is entering into these Terms on behalf of a company, organisation or other entity, that individual represents that he or she has authority to bind such entity and is agreeing to these Terms on behalf of such entity.

1.2 You should read these Terms carefully before using the Snyk Website. By using the Snyk Website, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree with any of these Terms, you should stop using the Snyk Website immediately.

2. Using the Snyk Website

2.1 The Snyk Website is for your own use only for the purposes of doing business with Snyk.

2.2 As a condition of your use of the Snyk Website, you agree not to:

2.2.1 misuse or attack our Snyk Website by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or any other material which is malicious or technologically harmful (such as by way of a denial-of-service attack), or

2.2.2 attempt to gain unauthorised access to our Snyk Website or any server, computer or database connected to our Snyk Website.

2.3 We may prevent or suspend your access to the Snyk Website if you do not comply with these Terms or any applicable law.

3. Your privacy and personal information

Your privacy and personal information are important to us. Any personal information that you provide to us will be dealt with in line with the Snyk Privacy Notice available here, which explains what personal information we collect from you, how and why we collect, store, use and share such information, your rights in relation to your personal information and how to contact us and supervisory authorities in the event you have a query or complaint about the use of your personal information. 

4. Ownership, use and intellectual property rights

4.1 The intellectual property rights in the Snyk Website and in any text, images, video, audio or other multimedia content, software or other information or material submitted to or accessible from the Snyk Website (Content) are owned by us and our licensors.

4.2 We and our licensors reserve all our intellectual property rights (including, but not limited to, all copyright, trade marks, domain names, design rights, database rights, patents and all other intellectual property rights of any kind) whether registered or unregistered anywhere in the world. This means, for example, that we remain owners of them and are free to use them as we see fit.

4.3 Nothing in these Terms grants you any legal rights in the Snyk Website or the Content other than as necessary for you to access it. You agree not to adjust, try to circumvent or delete any notices contained on the Snyk Website or the Content (including any intellectual property notices) and in particular, in any digital rights or other security technology embedded or contained within the Snyk Website or the Content.

4.4 Trade marks: ‘Snyk’ and the Snyk logo are our trade marks. Other trade marks and trade names may also be used on the Snyk Website or in the Content. Use by you of any trade marks on the Snyk Website or in the Content is strictly prohibited unless you have our prior written permission.

5. Accuracy of information, availability of the site, disclaimer of warranties

5.1 We try to make sure that the Snyk Website is accurate, up-to-date and free from bugs, but we cannot promise that it will be. Furthermore, we cannot promise that the Snyk Website will be fit or suitable for any purpose. 

5.2 We may suspend or terminate access or operation of the Snyk Website at any time as we see fit.

5.3 Any Content is provided for your general information purposes only and to inform you about us and our products and news, features, services and other websites that may be of interest, but has not been tailored to your specific requirements or circumstances. It does not constitute technical, financial or legal advice or any other type of advice and should not be relied on for any purposes. You should always use your own independent judgment when using our Snyk Website and its Content.

5.4 While we try to make sure that the Snyk Website is available for your use, we do not promise that the Snyk Website will be available at all times or that your use of the Snyk Website will be uninterrupted.

5.5 Any reliance that you may place on the information on the Snyk Website is at your own risk.  The Snyk Website is provided on an ”as is” and “as available” basis without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied.

6. User Contributions

6.1 The Snyk Website may contain chatbots, profiles, forums, bulletin boards, or other interactive features that allow users to post, submit, publish, display, or transmit to other users or other persons (post) content or materials (collectively, User Contributions) on or through the Website.

6.2 Any User Contribution you post to the site will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. By providing any User Contribution on the Snyk Website, you grant us and our affiliates, successors, and assigns the right to use, reproduce, modify, perform, display, distribute, and otherwise disclose to third parties any such material for any purpose.

6.3 You represent and warrant that:

6.3.1 You own or control all rights in and to the User Contributions and have the right to grant the license granted above to us and our affiliates, successors, and assigns.

6.3.2 All of your User Contributions do and will comply with these Terms.

6.4 You understand and acknowledge that you are responsible for any User Contributions you submit or contribute, and you have full responsibility for such content, including its legality, reliability, accuracy, and appropriateness.

6.5 We are not responsible or liable to any third party for the content or accuracy of any User Contributions posted by you or any other user of the Snyk Website.

7. Indemnity from you to Snyk

7.1 To the extent permitted by law, you agree to indemnify and hold Snyk harmless, at Snyk’s direction and request, from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, arising out of or in any way connected with your access to or use of the Snyk Website, including any User Contribution you post via the Snyk Website other than as expressly authorized in these Terms. 


8.1 Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, in no event will Snyk be liable to you (or any person claiming under or through you) for any indirect, punitive, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or in any way connected with the operation, use of or access to the Snyk Website, including any Content, the delay or inability to use the Snyk Website, or anything provided in connection with this agreement or otherwise arising from this agreement, including without limitation (i) loss of revenue or anticipated profits (whether direct or indirect); (ii) loss of business; or (iii) loss of reputation or goodwill or otherwise, even if Snyk has been advised of the possibility of damages.

8.2 Except to the extent resulting from Snyk’s fraud or wilful negligence, the maximum liability of Snyk to you for any claim(s), whether based in contract, tort or otherwise, relating to or arising out of the operation, use of or access to the Snyk Website, including any Content, and regardless of the form of the action, will be limited, in the aggregate, to one hundred dollars (USD $100.00). 

9. Changes to these Terms

9.1 We reserve the right to vary these Terms from time to time. Our updated Terms will be displayed on the Snyk Website and by continuing to use and access the Snyk Website following such changes, you agree to be bound by any variation made by us. It is your responsibility to check these Terms from time to time to verify such variations.

10. Disputes

10.1 We will try to resolve any disputes with you quickly and efficiently. If you are unhappy with us, please contact us as soon as possible using the contact details set out at the top of this page.

10.2 The laws of England and Wales apply to these Terms, although if you are resident elsewhere you will retain the benefit of any mandatory protections given to you by the laws of that country.

10.3 Any disputes will be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. 

11. Acceptable Use Policy

11.1 You shall not (and shall not permit or authorise any third party to):

11.1.1 save, store, archive, or create derivative works of any portion of the Snyk Website (excluding Snyk content that is permitted to be downloaded) outside the Snyk Website;

11.1.2 reverse engineer or otherwise decompile the Snyk Website;

11.1.3 use any robot, spider or other automatic device, process or means to access the Snyk Website for any purpose, including to monitor or copy any of the Content, use any manual process to monitor or copy any of Content, or to engage in any other unauthorized purpose, otherwise use any device, software or routine that interferes with the proper working of the Snyk Website, or otherwise attempt to interfere with the proper the Snyk Website.

11.1.4 take any action or upload, download, post, submit or otherwise distribute or facilitate distribution of any material on or through the Snyk Website that: (i) fails to comply with these Terms; (ii) infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, right of publicity or other proprietary right of any other person or entity or violates any law or  contractual duty; (iii) contains material that contains false, misleading, or deceptive statements, depictions, or sales practices; (iv) contains software viruses or any other computer codes, files, or programs that are designed or intended to disrupt, damage, limit or interfere with the proper function of any software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment or to damage or obtain unauthorized access to any system, data, password or other information of Snyk or of any third party; (v) violates the security or integrity of, or impairs or disrupts any Snyk network, computer or communications systems, software application or network or computing device; or (vi) impersonates any person or entity, including any of Snyk’s and their respective affiliates; employees or representatives; or

11.1.5 use technical or other means to circumvent these Terms of Use or any content protection technology used on or in the Snyk Website.