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SDRing during COVID-19—Snyk style!

Brendan McCrann
Brendan McCrann


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Prospecting as an SDR in a time of uncertainty can be tricky. With the global economy in its current state, businesses are all impacted in different ways, making a standard “one size fits all” scripted approach to calling and messaging businesses difficult — it’s hard to tell what someone has been through before genuinely asking him or her. (I don’t really think anyone is going with the one size fits all approach anyways, but it’s still worth acknowledging.)

Here’s how our Sales Development team has embodied Snyk’s core value to care deeply about every prospect call they make.

  1. They don’t ignore the elephant in the room. They let their prospects know from the beginning they’re not completely ignorant to the fact the world is a different place. They give our prospects the opt-out if they want to talk another time.

  2. They are genuinely interested. Our SDRs care to ask about the person they’re talking to and how things are going both professionally and personally. 

  3. They are value-driven. By being genuinely curious, our team can build trust and learn about the struggles our prospects face day-to-day. We always follow up by asking what kind of resources would be most helpful to their situation, and we follow through.

  4. They take initiative. Our team has the freedom to customize their messaging and figure out their own sequences for reaching out, resulting in the autonomy to drive their results and personalize their conversations to start the best prospect relationship possible. 

  5. They give back. When your entire company goes remote, your security risks escalate through the roof, and we recognize that. We try to make things easier and less stressful by providing free lunches, work from home focused webinars, and also our Safe Harbor program to our prospects. We know the current state and global environment we’re in isn’t easy, and we want to go above and beyond to make it the slightest bit better by offering 6 months of Snyk for free to potential customers in the healthcare, hospitality, travel, and entertainment industries. During these stressful times, we have been taking care of our employees to ensure their wellbeing — we owe nothing less to our current and prospect customers! 

The Snyk Sales Development team operates under one main principle — to be ridiculously easy to work with in order to solve the problems our customers are facing. It’s hard to know what problems our prospects have unless we talk to them… and, most importantly, listen to their needs.

How are you changing your prospecting approach during this time? Reach out to us on social media and let us know!

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