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Ethical hacking techniques



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Ethical hacking is used to find potential security issues in computer systems and networks. In this post, we’ll cover a collection of techniques and procedures commonly used by ethical hackers to find vulnerabilities before malicious users can take advantage. 

Ethical hacking techniques

Ethical hacking techniques are used by security professionals to find and fix vulnerabilities that threaten computer systems and networks. These techniques include:

Penetration testing 

The term "pentesting," which is short for "penetration testing," refers to a sort of cybersecurity evaluation in which a computer system, network, or web application is subjected to a simulation of an attack in order to find vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malevolent hackers. Pentesting seeks to find potential security flaws before attackers can exploit them, allowing for their remediation or mitigation to stop security breaches. Pentesting often entails probing the target system or application for vulnerabilities using a combination of automated tools and manual procedures, and then making an effort to exploit those vulnerabilities to get access to private data or resources. The organization being examined is often informed of the pentest's findings so that they can resolve any vulnerabilities discovered.

Social engineering 

Social engineering is the practice of using psychological trickery and deception to persuade individuals to take specific activities or divulge private information. Cybercriminals frequently employ this tactic to deceive people into disclosing sensitive information or taking part in activities that could result in security breaches. Attacks using social engineering techniques include phishing emails, luring, pretexting, and quid pro quo, among others.These attacks can be difficult to recognize and resist because they usually feed on human emotions like fear, trust, and haste. Therefore, it is important for individuals and organizations to be aware of social engineering techniques and take preventative measures to avoid them.

Network scanning

Identifying all active hosts and devices on a network — as well as their operating systems, open ports, and other pertinent data — is the aim of network scanning. This knowledge can help network administrators and security professionals recognize potential vulnerabilities, comprehend the network topology, and increase network security by putting the required security measures in place. However, before launching an attack, attackers can use network scanning to learn more about a target network. This involves using software tools to scan networks for open ports, vulnerabilities, and other weaknesses. The goal is to identify potential entry points for attackers.

Vulnerability assessment

This involves identifying vulnerabilities in software or hardware that could be exploited by attackers, and often includes running scans on systems or analyzing code.

Password cracking 

This involves attempting to guess or crack passwords using various techniques, such as brute force attacks, dictionary attacks, or rainbow table attacks.

SQL injection

This technique involves inserting malicious code into a SQL database through a web application that does not properly validate user input. This can allow attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data.

Cross-site scripting (XSS)

This technique involves injecting malicious code into a web page that is then executed in the victim's web browser. This can allow attackers to steal sensitive information, such as usernames and passwords.

Denial of service

Ethical hackers use denial-of-service attacks to test the resilience of computer systems and networks. This involves overwhelming systems with traffic to see how they respond to a simulated attack.

The stages of ethical hacking

In order to find and fix security flaws in computer systems and networks, ethical hacking techniques typically use a methodical and organized approach. Among the crucial components are:


The system owner's express permission and authorization are required for ethical hacking to take place. This guarantees a controlled atmosphere for the testing and keeps any moral or ethical dilemmas at bay.


The ethical hacker should be informed of the testing's precise parameters. This guarantees the testing is carried out within the set parameters and prevents unwanted results.


Reconnaissance is the first step in ethical hacking, which is the process of learning as much as possible about the target system or network. To find potential vulnerabilities and entry points, multiple tools and methods must be used.

Vulnerability analysis

The ethical hacker does a vulnerability scan to find any potential holes in the target system or network after the reconnaissance is finished. In order to find vulnerabilities, manual and automated methods are used.


The ethical hacker makes an attempt to exploit the vulnerabilities once they have been found in order to obtain access to the target system or network. This entails employing a number of strategies to get around security precautions and get unauthorised access.


The ethical hacker delivers a thorough report of the results to the system owner after the testing is over. A list of vulnerabilities, potential risks, and suggestions for mitigating them should be included in the report.


The system owner acts in accordance with the report's recommendations to fix any vulnerabilities found and raise the system's or network's level of security.

Legal and ethical considerations

While a useful tool for locating and addressing security flaws in computer systems and networks, ethical hacking must be carried out with the proper legal and ethical considerations in mind. Some of the most important moral and legal factors for ethical hacking include:


The owner of the system must explicitly consent to and authorize any ethical hacking that is carried out. Unauthorized hacking is prohibited and may have legal repercussions.

Nondisclosure contracts

To protect sensitive information that might be revealed during the testing process, the ethical hacker may be forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) prior to undertaking ethical hacking.

Privacy issues

The privacy of people must be respected, and their personal information must be protected, during the ethical hacking process.

Compliance with laws and regulations

Data protection and privacy legislation, as well as other applicable laws and regulations, must all be complied with in ethical hacking.

Avoidance of damage

In order to prevent their tests from harming the target system or network, ethical hackers must take safeguards.


Ethical hackers must act professionally and morally, refraining from any actions that can be interpreted as harmful or unethical.


The system owner must receive a thorough report from ethical hackers detailing their findings, along with suggestions for fixing any vulnerabilities they found.

Emerging trends and technologies in ethical hacking

Ethical hacking is an ever-evolving field that must stay up-to-date with emerging trends and technologies to ensure the continued effectiveness of testing methods. Here are some of the emerging trends and technologies in ethical hacking.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have grown in significance. Organizations may employ AI and ML to detect possible cyber risks in real-time, respond to them, and stop assaults before they start. The creation of predictive analytics models is one of the main uses of AI and ML in cybersecurity. These models look for trends and abnormalities that can point to a potential security problem by analyzing data from a range of sources, including network traffic, user behaviour, and system logs. Massive amounts of data may be analyzed using machine learning algorithms, and security incidents can be automatically detected and handled.

Internet of Things (IoT) security testing

The process of assessing the security of the linked systems and devices that make up the Internet of Things (IoT) is known as "IoT security testing." This testing's objective is to identify any security flaws in IoT hardware, communication protocols, and the networks they use. This procedure could entail a variety of tasks like network mapping, device identification, firmware analysis, penetration testing, and vulnerability scanning. By carrying out these tasks, IoT security testing can find vulnerabilities and problems in the IoT ecosystem's security, including weak passwords, out-of-date firmware, unencrypted data, and insufficient access controls.

Blockchain security testing

Blockchain technology is becoming increasingly popular, and ethical hacking techniques are being developed to test the security of blockchain systems and applications.

Cloud security testing

With the increasing use of cloud-based services, ethical hacking techniques are being developed to test the security of cloud-based systems and applications.

Social engineering testing

Social engineering attacks, such as phishing and pretexting, are becoming more sophisticated, and ethical hacking techniques are being developed to identify and prevent these types of attacks.

Red teaming

Red teaming involves simulating a real-world attack scenario to identify potential vulnerabilities and test an organization's incident response capabilities.

Bug bounty programs

Bug bounty programs allow organizations to incentivize ethical hackers to identify potential vulnerabilities in their systems and report them in exchange for a reward.

The importance of ethical hacking 

Ethical hacking is a crucial aspect of cybersecurity and plays a vital role in ensuring the security and integrity of computer systems and networks. Ethical hacking must be conducted with appropriate legal and ethical considerations in mind. By following best practices and taking necessary precautions, ethical hackers can help organizations identify and address potential security vulnerabilities, while ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

The future outlook of ethical hacking is closely tied to the rising importance of cybersecurity in our increasingly digital world. It will also have some potential impacts of ethical hacking on cybersecurity:

  1. Increased awareness of cybersecurity risks: Ethical hacking can help raise awareness of cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities, both for organizations and individuals. By identifying potential threats, ethical hacking can help organizations take proactive measures to protect their systems and networks.

  2. Improved security measures: Ethical hacking can help identify gaps in an organization's security measures, allowing them to take necessary actions to improve their security posture. This could include implementing new technologies, updating policies and procedures, or providing employee training.

  3. More sophisticated attacks: As ethical hacking techniques become more advanced, so too will the techniques used by malicious actors. Organizations will need to stay one step ahead by continually improving their security measures and incorporating ethical hacking as a proactive approach to security.

  4. Regulatory compliance: Ethical hacking can help organizations comply with regulatory requirements for security and data protection. By identifying potential vulnerabilities, organizations can take steps to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

  5. Career opportunities: As the importance of cybersecurity continues to grow, there will be an increasing demand for skilled ethical hackers and security professionals. This creates opportunities for individuals interested in pursuing a career in cybersecurity.