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Brian Vermeer named one of Business Insider’s "21 Top Developers Shaping Tech and Forging New Paths"



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We’re excited to share that Brian Vermeer, Developer Advocate at Snyk, has been named to Business Insider’s Top 21 Developers Shaping Tech and Forging New Paths! ???

The list highlights influential people who are shaping the tech industry from developer-focused companies, nonprofits, coding foundations, and broader developer communities. The recognized developers range from those at the forefront of hot trends to those who are making waves under the radar.

Brian is a developer advocate and Java champion with nearly two decades of hands-on experience creating and maintaining web applications. He began his journey with Java in college where he received his bachelor’s degree in computer science.

He co-leads the global DevSecCon community, dedicated to DevSecOps, as well as a community manager for Foojay, a central resource for the Java community’s daily information needs and “a place for friends of OpenJDK.” Brain also regularly speaks at Java-related conferences like JavaOne, Devnexus, Devoxx, Jfokus, JavaZone, and more, to help developers gain new skills, and advance their web security expertise.

When he isn’t coding, Brian enjoys traveling the world and adding more fine headwear to his hat collection (it’s big!). He is also a Taekwondo Master, so I’d advise being cautious about trolling him about Java. :-)

Brian's even tougher against security vulnerabilities.

With his breadth and depth of experiences with Java and its communities, Brian’s words of wisdom for any developer is to “keep learning, spend time out of your work bubble, and never be afraid to ask advice.”

“There are always more subject matter experts that will know more than you. Just ask them for help or advice and you will see that most people will be happy to help,” he says. “Equally, help other people to the best of your abilities as well.”

We at Snyk are proud to see Brian receive this deserving recognition and look forward to the impact he’ll continue to make for Java developers everywhere.

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カテゴリー:Snyk チーム