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The top 3 reasons to join the AWS, CircleCI, and Snyk webinar on the DevSecOps journey

Sarah Conway


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To prepare for an uncertain future, businesses everywhere are accelerating their move to the cloud. For the developers, this means shifting to cloud native development practices. Developers want to know how this shift will change our DevSecOps tooling and processes.

The short answer is it won’t!

On Tuesday, June 16 from 10-11 am PT, three hands-on experts from AWS, CircleCI, and Snyk will host “The DevSecOps Journey Webinar” to demo how CircleCI and Snyk seamlessly port with you as you increasingly develop in the cloud. The experts will go through a set of templates and artifacts that will be available afterward so, you can see how easy it is to incorporate a best-of-breed approach with your own applications.

Reason 1: secure coding and CI/CD don’t need to be intimidating

CircleCI and Snyk’s tight integrations with AWS enable your development teams to build security into your pipelines with ease.

CircleCI is one of the fastest and most widely used CI/CD solutions. Two key innovations we’ll show in this webinar are the Docker Executor and Orbs. As the name implies, the Docker Executor brings all the power of CircleCI into your container environment. Orbs are reusable snippets of code that help automate repeated processes, speed up project setup, and make it easy to integrate with third-party tools.

Snyk’s developer-first security makes security seamless with automated remediation advice wherever you code and throughout the lifecycle of your application. Snyk offers a CircleCI Orbto make it even easier for users to integrate Snyk into their CircleCI workflows. With it, you can install Snyk, run a test, and monitor your project with a single line of code.

Reason 2: bring it all with you to AWS

As you deploy more container-based workloads to cloud-managed services like Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), we’ll show you how both CircleCI and Snyk come right along with you. We’ll walk through the process of containerizing an application, taking advantage of Snyk’s customer-proven product integrations into AWS DevOps, serverless, and container solutions.

Using our demo application, fondly called Goof, we will create CircleCI config which scans our application and builds a Docker image. We will then scan our container image and push this to a registry on Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR). From here, we’re ready to deploy, and we’ll again turn to CircleCI to set up the Kubernetes cluster on EKS. Using Snyk’s AWS & Kubernetes integrations, we will monitor and scan ECR for new container images as well as the security configuration of our Kubernetes cluster on EKS and provide recommendations for improving your security posture.

Reason 3: we’re giving away templates—watch how easy they are to use

Broke: RTFM

Woke: Watch the webinar to see how you can replace our demo app with your own

Watch as our three developer advocates walk through an example application, build a pipeline, set-up a Kubernetes cluster, and deploy a containerized version of the app to the cluster. You’ll gain a familiarity with the steps and, after the webinar, you’ll get the sample code and templates to use. The speakers will be available to assist should you have follow-up questions, and Snyk and CircleCI make it easy to test-drive our solutions and provide lots of online help.

We hope you can join us on Tuesday, June 16 from 10-11 PDT. Check out speaker profiles and register here!

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