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Join The Big Fix: a 24-hour livestream dedicated to fixing security vulnerabilities in your projects

Written by:
DeveloperSteve Coochin
DeveloperSteve Coochin

February 21, 2022

0 mins read

We have seen a fantastic worldwide turnout for The Big Fix, our 2022 campaign to empower developers and security practitioners to fix security vulnerabilities in their applications and open source projects. So far, developers taking part in the campaign have identified over 300,000 vulnerabilities across 28,000+ projects and deployed over 60,000 fixes to their project repositories globally. Fixes span different languages and platforms, including PHP, Java, Node.js, Ruby, Docker container images, and even Infrastructure as Code (IaC) projects.


In an epic finale to The Big Fix 2022, we’ll host a 24-hour livestream event starting February 25th, featuring guests from throughout the world. Join these experts to learn about supply chain security, open source security, topics of application security in academia, how to run security champion programs, and deep-dive technical talks on hacking anything from Node.js, and Java applications to breaking into Docker containers and Kubernetes deployments. All live!

Watch the livestream

Join the stream on Twitch or Youtube on Feb25 and fix security vulnerabilities in your projects with the help of Snyk developer advocates, community security experts, and like-minded engineers who care about security.


Wondering how to get started? Here’s a quick introduction to The Big Fix:

What's happening during the livestream?

Let's take a look at the schedule to see what sesions we have in store for regions around the world!

Asia Pacific (APJ)

The stream kicks off in the Asia Pacific region at 12:00am GMT (11am AEDT) with me, DeveloperSteve, as your host. I’ll provide an overview of the event and give shoutouts to some of the fixes we’ve seen so far. I’ll also explain how you can get involved and get started. If you’d like to start early, we welcome you to join our discord and start fixing.

I'll be covering the first nine hours of programming, which will be powered by a combination of amazing guest speakers from several ecosystems, coding, and tech backgrounds and from a multitude of countries within the APJ region.

The first guest to join us on the stream will be capture the flag winner and security student myDonut, fresh off the back of an epic hack the box win last year. mydonut will appear on The Big Fix stream in an AMA (ask me anything) style interview.

From the student to the teacher: next up on the APJ stream will be Louis Cremen, technical trainer specializing in security from DDLS. With Louis, we'll be looking at resources for helping keep apps and infrastructure safe and secure, and also discussing code and tech (of course).


"Next, we'll talk to Grace Benedek Rooney from Xero Developer about secure and PCI app development.


Taking server stack monitoring for a spin, Steve Ng will drop by next in the livestream lineup to look at some of the real time monitoring New Relic has to offer.


Then Natalie Byrgiotis from Fl0 will join us to demo a brand new platform with a new Snyk integration.


Moving around the APJ region, we'll deploy the stream to Japan and hand it over to our awesome Snyk colleagues in Tokyo, who will run some special Japanese sessions. Our host and sales engineer Toshi Aizawa will talk about application security and securing infrastructure. Toshi will then be joined by Yuya Takima, the CTO of DIVX, who will discuss an article and code writeup recently published on Qiita (a Japanese microblogging site).

On the next stop in the region, we'll be joined by Vandana Verma Sehgal, talking with seasoned security professional Gopal Gupta, who will share insights into why you need to secure your apps. Then we'll consult with Soumen Mukherjee from Barco to talk about taking a security-first approach to your SDLC.


As we prepare to hand it over to Brian Vermeer and the Europe timezone crew, we'll have our final speakers for APJ: Ashley Wilson, technical trainer from Coder Academy and the Brisbane Tech Newbies meetup organizer, will join us to talk about starting out as a DecSecOps specialist.


Our final speaker in the region, Solihin Jinata, is a director at Pixel Onion. Solihin will talk with us about community, code, and contributing to Drupal.


As The Big Fix livestream day begins in Europe, we'll fire up the coffee pot for a full day of sessions. With a fresh cup of Java in hand, Brian Vermeer will start off with some recaps, demos and anecdotes. Then he'll hand it over to our very own Liran Tal to talk more about hacking and patching Node.js security vulnerabilities.

Throughout the day, we'll have plenty of guests dropping by, including Waleed Arshad, Noa Moshe, Oren Hacohen, Matt Jarvis and Lil Kastilio.

Getting ready to hand The Big Fix live stream over to the North American region, our final speaker will be IBM Developer Advocate Grace Janssen, who'll talk with us about  “Mother Nature's Security Advice.”


North America

In the final region hop of The Big Fix livestream, Brian Clark will get the North America day underway. We’ll get hands-on coding time with Snyk’s own Nate Michalov before Hackerone’s Kayla Underkoffler, Senior Security Technologist, joins the stream.


Throughout the day, we’ll be joined by a plethora of speakers and presenters from companies such as Sysdig, Stripe, Rapid7, Stackhawk, Atlassian, and Codefresh. Docker’s head of Developer Relations, Peter McKee, will discuss testing and and also that classic refrain: “but it worked on my machine!”


How to get involved in The Big Fix

Are you excited for the 24-hour livestream? Well, The Big Fix is a month-long event, and it's already happening. Register for the event here, get Snyk connected to your projects, and fix security vulnerabilities to earn a free t-shirt!

Don’t forget to drop us a tweet using the tag #thebigfix, keep those fixes coming, and tune in to the livestream!
