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Meet the new host for The Secure Developer podcast

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May 9, 2024

0 mins read

Eight years ago, Snyk started The Secure Developer. This podcast serves as a welcoming, vendor-neutral space for developers, operations, and security practitioners to gain valuable industry insights on developer security. 

Since then, we’ve seen countless industry changes — a transition to cloud environments, more reliance on open source software, the evolution of DevSecOps, and, most recently, the introduction of AI-assisted development. 

For the past eight years, Guy Podjarny has hosted The Secure Developer. He has interviewed industry experts on all of these subjects and more, bringing new perspectives, ideas, and advice to practitioners as they work to build more secure software at the speed demanded by today’s businesses. 

The Secure Developer is part of a larger community, DevSecCon, which brings together the brightest minds in DevSecOps to learn, discuss, and build the future of developer security.

Last month, Guy officially announced that he would be handing over the reins for The Secure Developer podcast to a brand new host: Danny Allan, CTO at Snyk. While he’ll continue to appear on the podcast as an occasional guest, Guy looks forward to seeing the next evolution of The Secure Developer Podcast under Danny’s leadership. 

In a special announcement on the podcast, Guy said, “We have all sorts of ideas about things that we can do differently with the podcast: new ideas, new perspectives, new people, new voices. We now have the right person to take the podcast to the next step on its journey.”

Meet Danny Allan, the new host of TSD

Danny brings a rich background in solving customer challenges and contributing significant security research. He has over two decades of experience as a technology visionary and solution evangelist, working at industry-leading companies like Veeam, VMWare, and IBM. 

He has already contributed to a few conversations on The Secure Developer as a guest, including the March 19th, 2024 episode on data security trends.

Danny appeared on the special announcement last week, expressing his excitement about taking over as host for TSD. He said, “I’ve been listening to the Secure Developer for eight years now, and am humbled to take over the role… I’m excited to dive deep into some of the topics of the ever-changing security landscape in front of us.”

Tune into The Secure Developer Podcast

As Guy passes the torch to Danny, the TSD podcast will continue to adhere to its mission (and that of the DevSecCon community as a whole): bringing together the brightest minds in DevSecOps to learn, discuss, and build the future of developer security.

Listen to Guy and Danny’s official announcement on the podcast to learn more about this transition.

To join the DevSecOps conversation and gain valuable industry insights, be sure to check out TSD’s latest episodes, such as: 

Posted in:Snyk Team